From: Dr Mike Walton ( []
Sent: 06 June 2008 19:29
To: Sage Roger (E82060) PARKBURY HOUSE AL1 3HD; Plummer Michele (5P4) West Hertfordshire PCT
Cc: Mo Girach; Ponsonby Elizabeth (E82094) MANOR STREET HP4 2DL; Dr Marie Anne Essam (Clinical Lead for Diabetes - WatCom); Walton Mike Dr (E82084) Harvey Group Practice; Trevor Sally (E82027) PARKFIELD MEDICAL CENTR EN6 1QH; Spooner Kenneth (E82085) THE RED HOUSE SURGERY; Jones Mark (E82022) FERNVILLE SURGERY; Kerr Tom (E82094) MANOR STREET HP4 2DL; McGrath Moira (5P4) West Hertfordshire PCT - NHSMail
Subject: Digital Retinal Screening service

Hello Roger.


Further to the June 08 meeting of the WHDCC project team – I have been asked to contact you as Chair of West Herts PBC Leads Group.


As you will be aware, the new Digital Retinal Screening service came into force on 1/1/08. The new service is provided by the Provider Arm of West Herts PCT. Digital Retinal Screening in West Hertfordshire had been singled out as an ‘at risk’ service in 2006/7 and was prioritised for re-structuring earlier in 2007, as the existing service did not meet nationally agreed standards. DoH and EoE both directed West Hertfordshire to make the DRS compliant with national standards – so redesign of DRS locally was a ‘must do’.


However the PCT-driven ultimate shape of DRS across West Hertfordshire was structured before PBC was actively involved in the commissioning of any diabetic services locally – and before the formation of our West Hertfordshire Diabetes Commissioning Consortium.


Consequently PBC had little input into the shape of the new Diabetic Screening Service in force from 1/1/08.


However – the Clinical Leads have been trying to have influence in the new service. Beth Ponsonby and I have both attended service review meetings with the service managers.


Unfortunately we have some concerns over the delivery of DRS from the service at this point.  We appreciate that the service is still bedding down, and that the accredited software provider (Orion) has not been able to provide all the facilities which would optimise the service at this time. We do not wish to de-stabilise this new service – but our concerns are such that we feel we need to raise it with the five PBC commissioning bodies in West Herts – via the PBC Leads Group.


Our view is that we would wish to see an improvement in the service to the point where PBC commissioner’s requirements are being met by the end of the first year of service. We are scheduling a further service monitoring meeting with the Service Providers within the next couple of months. I am writing you to seek the backing of the PBC Leads Group – and its constituent five PBC bodies - in stating our commissioning requirements.


Clearly, at this stage, we would not wish to be considering an alternate provider of DRS Services. We are hoping to work with the current service provider in order to ensure early teething problems are rectified. However we recognise that – if the 17000 patients with diabetes across West Hertfordshire are not receiving the level of service that PBC is specifying, then we would be forced to look at alternate providers.


Either Beth Ponsonby or I would be happy to attend a PBC Leads Group meeting to discuss this issue further, if you feel this would be beneficial. Alternatively we can provide the Leads Group and thus the PBC Boards with a brief report and breakdown of our commissioning specifications and areas of current concern. At this point we are flagging this up with you and the Leads Group, for dissemination to the five PBC bodies in West Herts.


Please can you place this item on the next agenda of the PBC Leads meeting so that it can be minuted for future reference, if needed. Note I am copying this to Michele Plummer (Michele – provided Roger is happy to do so – please can you add this to the next available Leads’ Agenda).


Kind regards





Dr Mike Walton

Vice Chair – West Hertfordshire Diabetes Commissioning Consortium

Clinical Lead for Diabetes, STAHCOM plc